
Nuclear Fuel Conversion

After the uranium deposits taken out from the earth, it will go through a process call conversion. The uranium deposits are not in its pure form but as Uranium Oxide (U3O8).  This material is also known as yellow cake because of its bright yellow color. During conversion process, Uranium oxide will be converted into Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6). Since at high temperature Uranium Hexafluoride will turn into gas substance but will change to solid form when at room temperature. This will make it easier to transport it or to process it. That is why most commercial uranium enrichment facilities use it. Before it is being send to the next process that is Enrichment, it will be turn to gaseous state first. 

Iranian technicians at the Uranium Conversion Facilities in Isfahan.


  1. Hey there. Thanks to this post, i know that the product of a uranium mining is not directly usable as a fuel for a nuclear power reactor.

    ''This material is also known as yellow cake because of its bright yellow color. During conversion process, Uranium oxide will be converted into Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6). ''

    Since we need convert the yellowcake (uranium oxide) powder to very soluble forms, i am sure there are strong acids and alkalis used in the process. In my opinion there is a risk during this conversion precess such as possible inhalation of uranium. Am i right? If yes, this will be a disadvantage for nuclear energy.

    Thank You.

    LIM CHEE KEONG (ME 083567)

  2. hi...
    what is the temperature required to sublime the Uranium Hexafluoride from solid to gas ?

    ME 083535
